Disability Awareness


The month of March is disability awareness month. As more people are becoming touched by disability, it’s important to develop disability pride. Being disabled does not mean that you are less of a person. Society has kept disabled people separated by hiding them away in institutions. Thankfully, that trend is fading. When I became disabled, it felt like my life was over. I have adapted to my new life and now know my life is not over. I have learned that it is important to be visible so that society gets used to seeing people with disabilities.

The stereotype suggesting disabled people need to be taken care of must be broken.


I know several disabled people who hold down jobs to support themselves. Employers must come to realize that disabled people are an untapped work force.  Covid has taught us how to work virtually, an idea well suited for people with disabilities.


It’s actually cheaper to teach people to live independently than to lock them away in nursing homes.  As more people with disabilities learn to live independently in the community, the more people with disabilities can contribute to society. 


I’m including a photo of myself in a wheelchair to show my disability pride.


  1. Beautifully written and I 💯 agree. “The stereotype that disabled people need to be taken care of needs to be broken” was my favorite. I read it to Robbie and he said “yeah!”:)


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