We have taken everything to far
I want to express my frustration with bottle caps, mainly medicine bottle caps. We have taken child proof caps way too far. In an attempt to make it impossible for children to open medications that could be harmful, we have made medicine bottles nearly impossible to open for the elderly and people with disabilities.
There’s nothing worse than being sick and unable to get the medicine bottle open! I live alone so when I can’t open a bottle myself, I don’t have anyone to help me. Usually when sick, I don’t want to go out and ask a neighbor for help, although I have.
I think there are many things in society that we have taken to far. Political correctness has been taken to far. We are so worried that we may offend people that we don’t speak our mind. Being “woke” is another example. I feel gender identity has become a trend.
Some would say that things have been taken too far because things were repressed for so long. I do see truth in that but I fear that when things are taken too far good intentions can lead to unfortunate consequences.
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